Sandra Day O’Connor #102 (1930 - 2023 )
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Sandra Day O’Connor #102 (1930 - 2023 )

Sandra Day O’Connor #102 (1930 - ) is the first woman to be appointed to the United States Supreme Court and the nomination came from Ronald Reagan a former Governor of California.

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Sandra Day O’Connor #102 (1930 - ) Antonin Scalia #103 (1936- 2016)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Sandra Day O’Connor #102 (1930 - ) Antonin Scalia #103 (1936- 2016)

Sandra Day O’Conner #102 (1930- ) Autographs her framed court photograph as the first woman on the United States supreme court. Also presented is a photograph of her nominating president Ronald Reagan. Although she survives today it has been reported that at age 92 her health has been declining and she may be suffering from the same malady that took her husband’s life after she retired to care for him: Alzheimer’s.

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Associate Justice William R. Day #59
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Associate Justice William R. Day #59

Associate Justice William R. Day #59 autographs a check made on an account from the City National Bank dated April 5th, 1890, Justice Day is depicted well dressed in his office or chambers in large prints and heavy clothing. A photographer also caught justice day walking down the steps of a cold Washington winter storm with an overcoat and hat.

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Justice Sandra Day O’Connor #102 (1930- )
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor #102 (1930- )

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor #102 (1930- ). Justice O’Connor retired in 2006 to care for her ill husband until he passed.

She was nominated to the post by President Ronald Reagan, from California. Justice O’Connor graduated second in her class from Stanford law. Her classmate was nominated a Justice as Justice #100 before her and was number one in the class. O’Connor is the first female to hold the post as Associate Justice.

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Justice Sandra Day O’Connor #102 (1930-)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor #102 (1930-)

Sandra Day O’Connor is the first woman to be nominated to the Supreme Court. She was from Arizona and attended law at Stanford. She finished 2nd in her class to who would eventually be her boss Chief Rehnquist. (its understood they, for a time, dated.) She was nominated by President Ronald Reagan (also a prior California governor for a time) but also a President. The President is in the photograph with O’Connor’s new boss Chief Warren Burger.

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William Henry Moody #60 (1853-1917) & William R. Day #59 (1849-1923)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

William Henry Moody #60 (1853-1917) & William R. Day #59 (1849-1923)

Justice Moody was one who held positions in all three branches of government. Moody and his family all came to Massachusetts from England as puritans

William R. Day #59 (1849-1923). Justice day was from Ohio and graduated from Michigan law. Day was selected to negotiate the end of the Spanish American War.

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Margaret Thatcher, Sandra Day O’Connor
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Margaret Thatcher, Sandra Day O’Connor


there are firsts for everything. There are two firsts that occurred close in time and worthwhile recording for the sake of history.

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William Rufus Day #59 (1849-1923)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

William Rufus Day #59 (1849-1923)

William rufus day #59 (1849-1923) was nominated to the court by Theodore Roosevelt (his likeness is pictured on the lower right of the board as a roughrider. ) Day was from Ohio and was born to a couple whose father was a state supreme court justice.

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