Felix Frankfurter (78) (1882-1965)

Board #210 - Felix frankfurter (78) (1882-1965)

At one time Justice Frankfurter was thought to be the most dangerous man in America. That is if you were to have had a conversation with J. Edgar Hoover the Chief of the FBI. He, Hoover, had a file on Frankfurter and clearly thought he was one man that could change the course of history. In a way he may have been that very man without raising a eyebrow upon Hoovers face.

Make no mistake frankfurter attempted in many ways in many forums and on the Harvard campus to win over many of our number to accept our image he had of America and he tried to sell his American ideal to other members of the Court.

He was unsuccessful but not by plan or intention he was rejected by many as just a man of good intention but with very ideas not in tune with the American image many were in a position to adopt.

Frankfurter had many ideas but some of them just raised the flag of alarm.

Board # 210.

Offered for: $3900.


Charles Whittaker #91, Stanley Forman Reed #77,James F. Byrnes #81, and Tom Clark #86.


William Rufus Day #59 (1849-1923)