Stanley Matthews #46 (1824-1889) Horace Gray #47 (1828-1902)

Board #204 - Stanley Matthews #46 (1824-1889) Horace Gray #47 (1828-1902)

Matthews attended school with the President that nominated him, Rutherford Hayes. No action was taken…the nomination died he later, was nominated to the court by James A. Garfield. Matthews was confirmed by the senate 24 votes to 23. Matthews autographs a slip of paper noting he is an Associate Justice.

Horace Gray enrolled at Harvard at 13. He attended Harvard Law and admitted to the bar in 1851. The board presents likenesses of both men by print and photo. Gray notes, he is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Gray was also a Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Court and hired a younger clerk while there his name was Louis Brandeis artist Pugh improves a first day cover postmarked October 19, 1993 and signs it Pugh 2 of 3. The drawing is the Great Seal of the United States. It must me noted, Gray married the daughter of Justice Matthews. Jane Matthews.

The board number is 204.

Offered for: $4300.


Tom C. Clark #86 (1899-1977)


Abe Fortas #95 (1910-1982)