Board #150 F.D.R Packing Panel

These nine Justices were put in the position of deciding whether Roosevelts “New Deal” was to die on the vine of suggestion or whether it passed constitutional muster. The Court was so divided they morphed into two camps. One known as “the 3 Musketeers” (Stone, Brandeis and Cardozo) the other group were dubbed “the Four Horsemen” (Justices Butler, McReynolds, Sutherland, and Van Devanter). The Justices came to court in the morning together and left together they barely talked. But for the heart attack of a supporting senator, the suggestion may have been voted on and successful expanding the courts numbers. The issue became moot as Justice Roberts changed his vote. The “press” dubbed this turn of events as the switch in time that saved nine.” This board contains on one sheet eight of the nine justices that were on the court. Justice McReynolds did not sign the sheet, so his dated autograph appears separately.

Board: 150.

Offered For: $9,900.


Abe Fortas #95 (1910-1982)


Justice Harold Burton #84 (1888- 1964)