Justice Harold Burton #84 (1888- 1964)

Board #151 Justice Harold Burton #84 (1888- 1964)

Justice Harold Burton #84 (1888- 1964) graduated Harvard and was the Mayor of Cleveland and is standing where all new newly appointed Justices of the United States stand in every photograph taken of the Supreme Court Justices. On this board finds Justice Harold Burton is found standing in the second row and on your right side. Harold Burton autographs on supreme court letterhead dated October 28, 1958, thanking a Mr. Browne for the good wishes upon his retirement of his supreme court service. The envelope is also attached from the letter justice sent back to Mr. Browne. The Justice is pictured with his wife, Selma, and children in front of the Supreme Court building, and he poses in front of his home with another child.

it was with his help that Chief Warren helped forge the decision of Brown v the Board of Education. It should be noted he also served in the legislature.

Board: 151.

Offered For: $2650




Earl Warren #88 (1891-1974)