Justice Pierce Butler #71

Board #154 Justice Pierce Butler #71

Justice Pierce Butler #71 who interestingly was born in a log cabin. Party politics aside President Warren Harding a Republican nominated Butler, a Democrat to the Supreme Court in 1923. Butler was the lone Justice to dissent in Palco v Conn. Which allowed the state to have two trials to convict a man for murders. (we know through double jeopardy that Butler was the only one that got it right.)

Justice Edward Sanford died on the same day as his best friend died Chief Justice Taft on March 8, 1930. He had just completed a tooth extraction. Both Justices autograph chambers cards Sanford dates his Feb. 8, 1924 while Butler dates his March 11, 1930.

Sanford is shown in his robes in a closeup photograph while Butler is shown in two smaller photographs one in a suit the other with his wife Annie.

Board: 154.

Offered For: $3850


Earl Warren #88 (1891-1974)


William O. Douglas #79 (1898-1980)