Stephen Johnson Field #38 (1816-1899)

Board #169 - Stephen Johnson Field #38 (1816-1899)

Stephen Johnson Field #38 (1816-1899) Justice Field read law with a relative was admitted to the New York state bar and practiced law until he got gold rush fever and joined the masses in California to get rich quick. He failed and he became acquainted with Spanish land grants, practiced law in California and eventually found himself the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court. Abraham Lincoln nominated him to the United States Supreme Court. This board presents a likeness of Justice field in an April 22, 1899, front page likeness of Harper’s Weekly. A smaller and younger print is found to your right of the board. There is a letter autographed by field dated November 20, 1883 written by him about 140 years ago. There is a photograph of the court showing field on the right hand of the Chief Justice. There is another photograph of him and a quote from one of his cases found in Cummings v Missouri. Fields bodyguard killed an aggressor in Stockton, California. The court found bodyguards were appropriate for the supreme court.

Board: 169

Offered For: $5150


Justice Potter Stewart #92 (1915-1985)


John Paul Stevens #101(1920-2019)