Justice Harry Blackmun #98 (1908-1999)
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Justice Harry Blackmun #98 (1908-1999)

Justice Harry Blackmun #98 (1908-1999) autographs a chambers card embossed with his name dating it December 1992.

Included on the board is a color photograph of Justice Blackmun in red robes. He is also shown in a photograph in a pensive position. Finally, there is a photograph of this Justice that wrote the majority decision in Roe v Wade. There were 2 dissents from that decision. Blackmun got for his efforts… death threats.

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Cosigners Board - Numerous Judges
Chris Donabedian Chris Donabedian

Cosigners Board - Numerous Judges

This appears to be a court in search of a Chief Justice. Assuming the Justices were active at the time this co-signors board was signed one must eliminate that theory as Goldberg was gone in October 1965 and Abe Fortas was not there until October of 65.

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